Dr. Katherine Whipple
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon
After completing her residency in ophthalmology at the University of California San Diego where she earned several research and academic honors and was named Chief Resident in 2010, Dr. Whipple spent an additional two years to complete a prestigious and highly sought after fellowship in Orbital and Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. This fellowship is approved by the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is highly specialized, graduating only approximately 15 physicians nationwide each year.
With exciting opportunities to practice all over the country, Dr. Whipple decided to do what she dreamed of doing since she was young. She chose to return to her hometown, Webster, NY where she was born and raised, and treat the community she grew up loving.
In her first year in a local private practice, Dr. Whipple pursued her interest in using light devices in ophthalmology, being the first and only physician in Rochester, NY to treat refractive dry eye. Initial results demonstrated positive results with relief to many patients. Dr. Whipple presented these findings at a national specialty in fall 2015.